About the Journal

The Educational Journal is journal of the Faculty of Science and Technology Education, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe. The Educational Journal is a periodical publication that reaches an international audience of educators and researchers concerned with cutting edge educational theories and insights. The journal seeks to contribute to the advancement of educational practices and contemporary issues in the educational landscape. The Educational Journal publishes original research reporting on academic study at all levels of education as a broad enterprise. We publish the highest quality empirical, theoretically grounded work addressing educational contemporary issues.



The Educational Journal is an online Journal of the Faculty of Science and Technology Education, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe. The Educational Journal offers an interdisciplinary forum to scholars and researchers, with a focus on the theory of the development and practice of education teaching and learning to Higher Education, Secondary and Primary landscape. For this reason, contributors to The Educational Journal are encouraged to submit articles or papers that address the basic issues and current developments in the area of education teaching and learning, with particular reference to education policies at all levels of the education system. The Educational Journal strives to recognize the variations within the education landscape  across the continent and beyond; and, therefore, encourages contributors to submit articles from different perspectives which include educational technologies, science education, indigenous educational knowledge systems, educational psychology, guidance & counselling, history, philosophy, sociology, administration, educational leadership and management, measurement and evaluation, comparative studies, adult education, community development and lifelong learning, gender issues in education, early childhood education, and curriculum development among other educational issues.

The Educational Journal has a wide network of international scholars and researchers spread throughout the world and our referees are constantly working hard to maintain the journal standard. The Educational Journal is a scholarly open access journal peer reviewed refereed journal. The journal integrates information, data techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts and theories from several disciplines or bodies of knowledge to advance fundamental understandings or to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline or area of research practice. The journal is based on a conceptual model that links or integrates theoretical frameworks from different disciplines and uses study designs and methodologies that that are not limited to one field. The journal requires the skills and perspectives of disciplines throughout multiple phases of the research process. The interdisciplinary research journal places as distinctive emphasis on the integration or combination of several disciplines. The Educational Journal is dedicated to providing a forum for dialogue for advancing knowledge within and across disciplines. The Educational Journal editors envision an area of research without borders to promote the exchange of ideas throughout the world. One of the key values of The Educational Journal is openness and diversity. We publish conceptual, empirical and normative research based on a variety of disciplinary and methodological approaches. The diversity is exemplified considerable range of research areas and theoretical approaches addressed in the journal as well as different methods applied and scholarly disciplines that the authors draw from.

The publications for the journal shall be quarterly thus four times a year.