Quality certification trends in the Zimbabwean food industry


  • Hilda Nyati National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe


Food Safety Management, Quality Management Systems, Food Processing Industry, ISO Certification, Zimbabwe


Concerns have been raised by regulatory authorities about the low levels of certification for international standards in the
Zimbabwean manufacturing sector. The purpose of this study was to determine trends in Quality Management Systems
certification and the constraints encountered in achieving certification in the Zimbabwean food processing industry.
Information on company status regarding quality, food safety and environmental management certification and associated
costs was gathered from fifteen large, eight media, five small and ten micro scale food manufacturing enterprises through
questionnaire surveys and oral interviews. Participants were based in the Southern city of Bulawayo and the Midlands
cities of Gweru and Kwekwe, Zimbabwe. Only the large-scale manufacturing enterprises were certified for Quality and
Food Safety Management Systems, with a certification rate of 60% amongst large concerns for at least one standard,
40% for ISO 9001, 27% for ISO 22000, 27% for the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System, 20% for ISO 14001,
and 20% for the Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ) Quality Mark. None of the micro or small scale enterprises
had any intention for certification due to perceived high cost, lack of staff with adequate quality management system
implementation skills and failure of premises to meet statutory requirements for food production facilities.


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How to Cite

Nyati, H. . (2023). Quality certification trends in the Zimbabwean food industry. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology, 15(1), 1–11. Retrieved from https://journals.nust.ac.zw/index.php/zjst/article/view/157