Production and evaluation of optimum values of some dietary amino acids of roasted African breadfruit seeds as an alternate source of protein
African breadfruits, roasting, optimum essential amino acidsAbstract
This study aimed to identify the effect of roasting variable combinations of roasting temperature, time at 500g feed quantity that would yield the optimum of some essential dietary amino acids from roasted African breadfruit seeds. African breadfruit seeds were
experimental roasting using predetermined variable values of temperature (120, 140, 160, 180, 200 centigrade) at 40 min and Feed
mass of 500 g. The essential amino acids content of African bread fruit seed flour of different treatment condition were determined
using Technicon sequential multi-sample acid analysis. Results showed that both raw and processed flour contained the same types
of amino-acids. Analysis of of results showed that Roasting temperature had significant (p < 0.05) effect on amino acids of
samples.Lysine, leucine, methionine and phenylalanine showed high heat sensitivity with values significantly (p<0.05)different from
amino-acid values of control. The lowest values of essential amino-acids evaluated were recorded at 2000C, Leucine and valine
profiles of the processed flour were similar. Optimum contents of the eight Essential amino-acids of processed flour of African
breadfruit seeds was observed at process variable combination of 1400C and 40min for roasting temperature and time respectively. Using these process variables condition will ensure optimum harnessing of essential amino acids from African breadfruit seeds. Results of this study point to African breadfruit seed flour is a good dietary supplement for alleviating hunger and malnutrition
among a deprived population.